Founder of the world’s largest specialist sausage website, Stephen Plume is taking to the road on his motorbike to seek out the UK’s finest sausage makers. He said: “I am embarking on a two wheeled crusade to save the sausage and get people back on the High Street. The not-so-humble British sausage is, possibly, the ultimate ambassador for local food and the High Street. Celebrating diversity and innovation across the UK. Now I'm on a mission to spread the word about some of the amazing sausages we have in the UK.“ The basic idea is to hook people into the High Street by getting them to visit their local butchers and then some of their spending will filter out to other shops. I'm planning some more Sausage King adventures to support this and writing a book about it. The idea is that vast amounts of the book will be free (electronically) with a full (electronic) version very cheaply available. Then were will be a coffee table version.

If I make a surplus from this (which I doubt) I will donate it to British Sausage Week charities.To find out more about Plume's plans and sausage adventures click here.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.