ABP is aiming to help young people into work by creating 200 new entry level vacancies and apprenticeships in collaboration with Youth Employment UK, an organisation dedicated to tackling youth unemployment.

Apprentice pic 3

The roles cover a range of opportunities within the company’s meat food processing business and offers young people the chance to work at one of the 14 ABP locations across the country.

The programme has been set up within the ABP Talent Academy scheme which aims to support colleagues with personal career development alongside the more technical training.

Bob Carnell, CEO of ABP UK, said: “We have always been a youth friendly employer and it is particularly important to us to be involved with Youth Employment UK which plays a key role in connecting young people with job opportunities and providing them with support, inspiration and advice.

“Our business has for decades worked with British farmers to bring quality meat to the table of UK homes and we are committed to bringing young people into our organisation, developing their skills and allowing then to flourish while doing our bit to boost the economy.”

Laura Jane Rawlings, CEO for Youth Employment UK, added: "We are delighted to be working with ABP UK and welcome them to our Youth Friendly Employer community. ABP UK is clearly committed to creating quality opportunities for young people and believe in the power of their organisation to support young people into great careers.

“I am looking forward to helping them get the recognition they deserve as an employer of choice. In today's youth unemployment climate, we need to see more employers making similar commitments to youth employment as ABP is."

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.