All Animal welfare articles – Page 2

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    Sainsbury’s goes trayless on whole chickens


    Sainsbury’s has announced that its by Sainsbury’s whole chicken range is now trayless, after the retailer removed single-use plastic trays from its packaging. Using a minimum of 50% less plastic, the change is estimated to save 140 tonnes of plastic annually.Sainsbury's hopes to save over 10 million pieces of plastic ...

  • ODB pigs

    Pilgrim’s UK, Waitrose and Co-op carry out first human rights impact assessment


    Pilgrim’s UK, a provider of high welfare pork globally, alongside its retail partners Waitrose and Co-op, has conducted a first-of-its-kind human rights impact assessment (HRIA) of its integrated pork and lamb supply chains. The assessment is the first-of-its-kind for a livestock supply chain due to its scale and wide-ranging criteria. ...

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    Lecture emphasises ‘One Health’ approach to livestock science and food systems


    Livestock science matters, according to Professor Julie Fitzpatrick who gave the keynote at the recent George Scott Robertson Memorial Lecture at Queen’s University Belfast. Pictured are (l-r): Dr Stanley McDowell, AFBI; Prof Sharon Huws, IGFS; Dr Alistair Carson, DAERA; Professor Julie Fitzpatrick, Moredun Institute; Mr David Brown, Ulster Farmers' Union; ...

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    LMC launches online NIBL FQAS application


    Prospective Northern Ireland Beef and Lamb Farm Quality Assurance Scheme (NIBL FQAS) participants can now join the Scheme online.In a bid to simplify the process for those interested in joining the Scheme, the Commission has launched an online application form. To join interested producers should fill in their farm business ...

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    Wales' new chief veterinary officer announced


    Dr Richard Irvine has been announced as Wales’ new chief veterinary officer.Chief veterinary officer for Wales, Dr Richard Irvine.Dr Irvine is currently the UK deputy chief veterinary officer and policy deputy director for Global Animal Health in Defra. He will join the Welsh Government in March.Irvine is an experienced veterinarian ...

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    MPs call for change to “unfair” bird flu compensation rules


    MPs on the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee have called for “fundamentally unfair” rules on farmers’ compensation for bird flu to be changed.In a letter to the Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, Rt Hon Dr Thérèse Coffey, MPs have called for a revision of the ...

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    New compulsory biosecurity and measures to protect against AI in Wales


    New biosecurity and housing requirements will be implemented for poultry and captive birds in Wales as surveillance of avian influenza suggests a heightened risk of disease for Wales over the winter months.Interim chief veterinary officer for Wales, Dr Gavin Watkins, said these steps were being taken now to get ahead ...

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    NSA pressure ensures no cliff edge for EU sheepmeat exports


    The National Sheep Association (NSA) has welcomed the news that Defra has confirmed a further extension to resolve the problem of the EU Animal Health Regulation requiring vet attestations of livestock health rather than a farmer declaration, as is currently the case.Until recently Defra had proposed that as of next ...

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    UK meat production for export safe for next 12 months as Defra backs down


    The requirement for veterinary visit attestations for SHAs for export certificates has been pushed back another year to 13th December 2023.The move means that, for the next 12 months at least, UK meat production will remain compliant for export to the EU.Back in October all the leading meat trade bodies ...

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    Damning report on Defra's Weybridge facility


    The Redevelopment of Defra’s animal health infrastructure report has been released today [16th November] by the House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts and it hits out at Government as not sufficiently prioritising the “significant threat to UK health, trade, farming and rural communities” posed by animal diseases. Tony Goodger, ...

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    LMC highlights benefits of NIBL FQAS


    Thirty years ago, the Northern Ireland Beef and Lamb Farm Quality Assurance Scheme (NIBL FQAS) was founded. At its core three key pillars of food safety, animal welfare and care for the environment remain. LMC's Gillian Davis reports on its progress.Today the scheme boasts almost 11,600 participants. LMC owns the ...

  • Phil Stocker Chief Exec NSA

    NSA supports EFRA recommendation on post Brexit trade deals


    The National Sheep Association (NSA) has confirmed it is adding its support to the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee’s (EFRA) recommendation to Government to formally commit to upholding animal welfare and environmental standards in all post Brexit trade deals.Phil Stocker, chief executive, NSA.NSA chief executive, Phil Stocker said: "As ...

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    NPA outlines priorities ahead of pig crisis summit


    The National Pig Association (NPA) has said it will seek several commitments from government and the pork supply chain to address the pig crisis at the summit on Thursday (10th February).The NPA, the National Farmers’ Union (NFU) and pig producers will be joined by representatives from major retailer and pork ...

  • Vet inspecting cows

    Industry response to FSA Official Controls consultation published


    The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has published a summary of responses to its consultation on early proposals for a future delivery model (FDM) for FSA-delivered Official Controls in the meat sector.Earlier this year FSA gathered the views of stakeholders - including consumers, industry and third party assurance organisations, vets, internal ...

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    Avian influenza identified in poultry and wild birds in Wrexham County Borough


    Chief veterinary officer for Wales Christianne Glossop confirmed the presence of avian influenza H5N1 in poultry and wild birds at a premises in the Wrexham County Borough area.According to the Welsh government, temporary disease control zones of 3km and 10km have been imposed around the small infected poultry premises, to ...

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    NPA reacts to PM’s comments on potential pig cull


    The National Pig Association (NPA) has said that Boris Johnson “played down the prospect of an on-farm welfare cull” during his interview with Andrew Marr on Sunday morning.Responding to Marr’s comment that more than 120,000 pigs would need to be killed and incinerated if there is “no answer” to the ...

  • Turkey

    UK CO2 shortages "could cancel Christmas", says Bernard Matthews boss


    Bernard Matthews boss Ranjit Singh Boparan has voiced concerns over the current gas shortages, warning that the crisis could jeopardise food supplies unless the government intervenes.The British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) has also spoken out about the current CO2 shortages, warning of massive disruption to the supply chain when stocks ...

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    Government pushes back border controls timetable


    A new timetable has been published by the UK government that details plans for introducing full import controls for goods being imported from the EU to the UK.According to guidance published on the government's website, a revised timetable will give businesses more time to adjust to new controls that will ...

  • cows in field

    New welfare rules for animals in transit to abattoirs welcomed


    The Sustainable Food Trust is among those welcoming new animal welfare measures announced by the UK government, but also calls for more 'local' abattoirs.Higher welfare standards proposed for farm animals being transported include:Introducing shorter maximum journey times for live animals – between four and 24 hours depending on the species ...

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    Eville & Jones appoints Jane Downes as veterinary advisor


    Veterinary inspection services provider Eville & Jones has announced the appointment of Jane Downes BVSc MRCVS as veterinary advisor to the Board. In the newly created role at the company, which provides official veterinary inspections at meat production premises, Downes will report directly to the Board and also work closely ...