All Brexit articles – Page 13

  • Meurig Raymond

    NFU criticises Brexit proposals for tariff-free trade


    National Farmers’ Union (NFU) president Meurig Raymond has criticised suggestions that Britain will benefit after Brexit from pursuing global free trade at all costs and unilaterally lowering tariffs. National Farmers’ Union (NFU) president Meurig Raymond.Raymond was responding to claims published by economist Patrick Minford, who predicted a benefit to the ...

  • Ian Wright

    Food supply chain voices Brexit labour concerns


    Trade bodies from across the food supply chain have published a survey on the sector’s Brexit priorities from a workplace perspective, warning that an “abrupt reduction” in the number of EU workers would cause “significant disruption” to the industry.Ian Wright CBE, director general of FDF.The survey, co-ordinated by the Food ...

  • Colin Smith

    Government opposes hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland


    A position paper published today (16th August) by the Government detailing its proposals on Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland has stressed the need to avoid a hard border, especially in relation to checks on agri-food products.The Government has highlighted the “crucial importance of avoiding a return to a ...