A consultation begins today [Monday, 14 November] on proposals to require CCTV in all slaughterhouses in Wales.

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Minister for Rural Affairs Lesley Griffiths.

This is a Programme for Government commitment and is included in the Animal Welfare Plan for Wales, which seeks to maintain and improve standards of welfare for all kept animals.

Most slaughterhouses in Wales already have CCTV. This requirement would ensure all are covered, supporting consumer confidence welfare standards are being delivered.

Minister for Rural Affairs Lesley Griffiths said: “Animal welfare is a priority for the Welsh Government, and our ambition is for all farmed animals to have a good quality of life and to be free of suffering. We have committed to ensuring all slaughterhouses in Wales have CCTV, and I’m pleased to announce the consultation today.

"While the vast majority of slaughterhouses have CCTV in Wales, I want to ensure all animals have the same level of protection.”

The consultation will run for 12 weeks and is available on the Welsh Government website here.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.