All Coronavirus articles – Page 3

  • pexels magda ehlers 1300339

    Government reveals new rules for seasonal workers


    Seasonal workers arriving in England to carry out vital work on farms ahead of Christmas will now be able to work as soon as they arrive in the country.The Association of Independent Meat Suppliers (AIMS) had previously called on the Government to extend the rules for seasonal agricultural workers coming ...

  • Make It Locally Sourced

    Consumer spending more on meat during pandemic


    The red meat market has fared well during the Covid-19 pandemic with an increase in grocery spending offsetting losses to the hospitality and foodservice sectors, according to new market research from AHDB.Market analysts discussed the impact of the pandemic on these sectors in a series of webinars which revealed that ...

  • Sainsburys Colney London  1

    Sainsbury’s to close all meat, fish and deli counters in-store


    Supermarket Sainsbury’s has announced plans to close all of its in-store meat, fish and deli counters due to a lack of demand caused by Covid-19.The retailer says it expects to save at least £60 million in operating costs by closing these counters and adds that the move will also help ...

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    Concern for hospitality sector as PM announces second lockdown


    “The Government must provide further support for businesses in the hospitality and foodservice industry in order to stop them shutting their doors for good during the nation’s second lockdown,” according to Ian Wright CBE, chief executive of the Food and Drink Federation (FDF).On Saturday evening, Prime Minister Boris Johnson rolled ...

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    More than 140 Covid-19 cases confirmed at Cranswick Country Foods


    Cranswick Country Food’s meat processing plant in Watton, Norfolk has confirmed 144 workers have tested positive for coronavirus.Cranswick Country Food's site in Watton, Norfolk. Image: Google Street View.Norfolk County Council confirmed that 144 cases were confirmed from 333 tests and, as a result, all 1,000 members of staff will be ...

  • HCC20091 ‘Triple Challenge of a new world to dominate agenda of HCC Conference

    HCC conference goes online to cover ‘triple challenge’ of post-pandemic world


    The main annual conference of the Welsh livestock and red meat industry, hosted by Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC), will this year be a virtual event focussing on Covid-19, sustainability and the environment.Agriculture and sustainability professor, Dr. Frank Mitloehner.The conference, which is scheduled to take place on ...

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    Supermarket sales up following new Covid-19 restrictions


    New restrictions on the foodservice and hospitality sectors saw take-home grocery sales increase by 10.4% in the latest four-week period, according to the latest market insight from Kantar.In the 12-weeks to the 4th October, grocery sales also rose by 9.4%. Fraser McKevitt, head of retail and consumer insight at Kantar, ...

  • meat 23

    Meat and poultry growth slows as consumers ‘Eat Out to Help Out’


    Growth in sales of fresh meat and poultry slowed in the four weeks to the 6th September as Brits took advantage of the ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ scheme, according to the latest market insight from Kantar.Both fresh primary (6.0%) and fresh processed meat and poultry (6.4%) recorded single digit ...

  • New Project 4

    Series of webinars explore impact of turbulent 2020


    The impact of Covid-19 on the foodservice sector, consumer views on buying British and the ongoing challenges of Brexit will all be discussed during a series of AHDB webinars starting this month.AHDB’s senior retail insight manager, Kim Malley.The Retail and Consumer Insight team will be hosting six webinars, focusing on ...

  • Louise Welsh

    Relationships with consumers vital for Scottish red meat industry


    Scotland’s red meat producers and retailers must continue to grow the relationships built during the pandemic in order to keep Scottish brands in consumers’ baskets, according to Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) board member, Louise Welsh.Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) board member, Louise Welsh.Welsh, who also sits on the board of Food ...

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    UK pork production hits 20 year high in July


    Pork production in the UK was up 9% year-on-year to reach a 20-year high for July, according to the latest production statistics from Defra.The figures show the UK produced 86,200 tonnes of pig meat in July, 7,300 tonnes more than in July last year.A total of 963,700 clean pigs were ...

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    Online sales of fresh meat, fish and poultry up by 99%


    In the four weeks to the 12th July, online sales of fresh meat, fish and poultry doubled year on year to £190 million, according to the latest market data from Kantar.Fresh lamb was the most popular choice during this period, whereas steaks, roasts, chops and mince all attracted more shoppers ...

  • New Project 1

    Tulip unveils plans to reopen Bromborough site


    Tulip Ltd has revealed that plans to reopen its Bromborough site will be supported by a £15 million investment into its facilities, as well as a recruitment drive which will create over 120 jobs.Andrew Cracknell, CEO of Tulip Ltd.Production at the Merseyside plant begins later this month and the investment ...

  • Stuart Ashworth

    Revenue from co-products influencing farmgate prices


    Slaughtering and processing red meat inevitably leads to the production of what are sometimes referred to as co-products which can create both revenue and cost for the processing sector, according to the latest market commentary by Quality Meat Scotland (QMS).Stuart Ashworth, director of economics services at Quality Meat Scotland.These co-products ...

  • HCC20064 Lockdown Lamb and Beef Marketing Hits the Million Mark

    HCC’s beef and lamb campaign reaches a million consumers


    Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) has revealed that its promotional campaign for PGI Welsh Lamb and PGI Welsh Beef, which was launched during lockdown, reached over a million consumers.Welsh chef Bryn Williams has been creating lamb and beef recipe videos from home as part of the campaign.The ...

  • HCC20063 Red Meat Industry Has Shown Remarkable Resilience but uncertainty remains

    HCC warns of uncertainty for red meat industry


    Wales’s red meat industry has shown great adaptability and resilience in responding to the Covid-19 crisis this year according to Hybu Cig Cymru-Meat Promotion Wales’ (HCC) chairman Kevin Roberts, but uncertainty remains over coronavirus and a trade deadlock with Europe.Hybu Cig Cymru-Meat Promotion Wales’ (HCC) chairman, Kevin Roberts.In a speech ...

  • 2. Chef Ludovic Dieumegard

    Chef Ludo helps HCC target French consumers


    A French chef from Ceredigion has been working alongside Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) to create recipe videos featuring Welsh red meat to help attract new consumers.Chef Ludovic Dieumegard worked alongside HCC to promote Welsh red meat to French consumers.Chef Ludovic Dieumegard, head chef of Aberaeron’s Harbourmaster ...

  • New Zealand Lamb 1

    Research highlights consumer demand for beef and lamb during lockdown


    New briefing papers published this week by Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) has shown that the lamb and beef industry in Wales has adjusted well to the impact of the coronavirus lockdown, but a risk of further instability remains.The three briefing papers draw on information from a ...

  • Gordon Wallace

    QMS urges school leavers to take up butchery


    Quality Meat Scotland and Skills Development Scotland (SDS) are calling on young people to consider the apprenticeship and career opportunities offered by craft butchery.Gordon Wallace, Quality Meat Scotland board member and SVQ trainer.As school leavers review their options, Gordon Wallace, Quality Meat Scotland board member and Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQ) ...

  • HCC20059 HCC Prepares for Virtual Show

    Brands to star in virtual Royal Welsh Show


    Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) has prepared a week of activities in order to promote Welsh brands through the Royal Welsh Show’s ‘Virtual Show’ platform.Michelin-starred chef Hywel Griffiths will be one of the stars inspiring consumers to try new recipes in HCC’s videos on the Virtual Royal ...