Post-Brexit policy options and implications for key stakeholders, regulatory roles, focus and resources, trade, use of evidence, and opportunities for positive change are to be put under the spotlight by the FSA and FSS at a policy conference on 26th January.

Geoff Ogle

Geoff Ogle, FSS chief executive.

Keynote sessions at the event will come from Professor Susan Jebb, chair, Food Standards Agency; Geoff Ogle, chief executive, Food Standards Scotland and Helen Munday, president, Institute of Food Science and Technology.

Attendees will examine the proposals for a new food standards delivery model as part of the FSA’s consultation for updating the Food Law Code of Practice in England - with an expected focus on how resources can be improved and utilised to manage food safety risk. The conference will be held at Congress Centre, 28 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS.

Delegates will also assess priorities for improving the long-term strategic direction for regulation, following the Regulating after EU Exit report from the Public Accounts Committee, as well as priorities for the Government’s approach as reform in the UK’s regulatory system is considered by policymakers.

Organisers say the conference will be an opportunity for stakeholders - including those from the food sector, local government, the legal sector, food science and research, and advocacy groups - to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who are due to attend from CCS; Defra; DHSC; DIT; FSS; DAERA, NI; House of Commons Library; The Scottish Government Legal Directorate; and the Welsh Government - as well as parliamentary pass-holders from both Houses of Parliament.

The agenda

Draft agenda subject to change

8.30Registration and coffee
9.00Chair’s opening remarks
Baroness Margaret Ritchie, Member, Food, Poverty, Health and Environment Committee.
9.05Assessing trends and food standards challenges across the UK - priorities and next steps for safety, monitoring, imported products, and resources
Geoff Ogle, chief executive, Food Standards Scotland. Questions and comments from the floor.
9.30Food safety - responding to changing business environments and consumer trends, tackling food crime, innovation in surveillance, and supporting local delivery of food standards and enforcement
Kate Nicholls, chief executive, UKHospitality, Hilary Ross, Partner, DWF, Will Scobie, managing director, Horizonscan, Una Kane, environmental health manager, Rother and Wealden Councils. Questions and comments from the floor.
10.15Priorities for consumer trust in food regulation and enforcement
Sue Davies, strategic policy advisor, Which?
10.25Trade - key issues for trade deals, food standards and UK measures, and navigating challenges around delayed import controls
Charles Livingstone, partner, Brodies LLP, Dr Emily Lydgate, deputy director of the UK Trade Policy Observatory and Reader (senior associate professor), University of Sussex.
10.35Questions and comments from the floor.
10.50Chair’s closing remarks
Baroness Margaret Ritchie, Member, Food, Poverty, Health and Environment Committee
11.25Chair’s opening remarks
Senior Parliamentarian.
11.30‘Opportunities and challenges for delivery of an evidence-based UK food policy and regulatory strategy’
Helen Munday, president, Institute of Food Science & Technology.
11.40Priorities for regulation that can make a positive difference - public health, children’s nutrition, sustainability, ethics and standards, industry engagement and compliance, and supporting a thriving and resilient UK food system Dr Christian Reynolds, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Food Policy, University of LondonStephanie Slater, Chief Executive and Founder, School Food MattersSarah Mukherjee, CEO/Trustee, Institute of Environmental Management and AssessmentMelanie Bulger, Head of Regulatory Affairs, Danone
12.00Questions and comments from the floor
12.25Next steps for food regulation in the UK and the evolving role of the FSA
Professor Susan Jebb, chair, Food Standards AgencyQuestions and comments from the floor.
12.55Chair’s and Westminster Food & Nutrition Forum closing remarks
Senior Parliamentarian, Jessica Lear, producer, Westminster Food & Nutrition Forum.

Registration and bookings can be made here.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.