Latest Industry News – Page 334

  • News

    New challenge to the board of Tyson Foods


    In a most unusual and dramatic move the chief executive of The Humane Society of the United States, Wayne Pacelle, is seeking a place on the board of one of the world’s largest meat producers, Tyson Foods.Pacelle, who has been CEO of the Society for eight years said: “It’s certainly ...

  • Retailer

    Three in row win for Asda at Turkey awards


    Three is truly the magic number for Asda as it scooped the title of Retailer of the Year at the 2012 British Turkey Awards for the third year in a row.Judges declared Asda the winner for its extensive range of everyday turkey portions, which judges said would suit all kinds ...

  • SFPic

    Team Scotland to serve pork at the Culinary Olympics


    Six Scottish chefs, with a back up team of eight will be serving up Specially Selected Pork as their main course at the 'Culinary Olympics' to be held at the IKA show in Germany next month.The main course dish they will be challenged to perfect for 110 diners is 'Ayrshire ...

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    'Bird brained' tax under fire by Morrisons


    From today, the cost of freshly cooked, hot roast chicken will jump by 20% as new Government tax rules come into effect.The tax is expected to increase VAT receipts by just 0.03%, chicken feed for the Treasury but not for Britain’s hard pressed families, half of whom say they now ...

  • News

    Smithfield Foods says its supply is secure


    Following numerous reports about a forthcoming bacon and pork shortage in both Europe and the States the world's largest pork processor, Smithfield Foods, is adamant there will be no impact on its products.In a company statement it said: "Contrary to recent media reports, there is no bacon shortage, at least ...

  • News

    Freedom Food launches new online campaign


    Freedom Food - the RSPCA’s food labelling scheme - is carrying out a new burst of online advertising this autumn in a bid to increase awareness of what its label means and better educate consumers about the importance of farm animal welfare.Featuring former England Rugby player, and last year’s Celebrity ...

  • News

    What is sustainable beef? asks McDonald's


    The American internet newspaper, The Huffington Post, recently ran an interesting piece about McDonald's saying it needs to define what sustainable beef means. What does the meat industry think?As the report signposts, Bob Langert, McDonald’s Corp’s sustainability vice president spoke to Bloomberg and some of his more interesting comments, as ...

  • News

    Have your say at EBLEX's annual conference


    Demand has been strong for places at this year’s EBLEX annual conference which will showcase opportunities for beef and lamb in a changing global marketplace and include opportunity to question the executive.The event, in Warwickshire on October 30th, will bring together industry stakeholders and levy payers to discuss issues and ...

  • News

    Appointments at BPEX


    A number of appointments have been made by AHDB to fill vacancies in BPEX.BPEX reports these are in line with the BPEX board strategy which stresses the importance of improving herd health and pork quality.Jenny Newman is the database manager, replacing a similar position within BPEX while Emma Bailey-Beech is ...

  • News

    More food research plea from NFU


    The Government and industry must work together to ensure the country’s farmers can meet the challenge of producing more food for a growing population, is the NFU plea at the Labour fringe event in Manchester.NFU deputy president Meurig Raymond emphasised how research must be applied directly to farmers’ businesses.“A vital ...

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    Meat Management magazine to publish 10 times a year


    In response to reader and advertising feedback Meat Management magazine is to increase its frequency and with effect from January 2013 it will publish 10 times a year. Since publisher, Graham Yandell launched the title back in 2008 it has gone from strength to strength and become both regarded and ...

  • Farmer Howard Bates with guests on the Lamb Tour

    Lamb tour gets underway


    EBLEX kicked off its ‘Five Star Lamb Tour’ on a Quality Standard Mark Scheme approved farm in Kent. Catering butchers and chefs spent the day at Becket Farm House, where they were offered inspiration to help them put lamb back on the menu.Welcoming the guests, EBLEX foodservice project manager, Hugh ...

  • EOE BPEX Champions

    First BPEX champion title goes to The Black Quack!


    The first BPEX Regional Roadshow and Pork Product Excellence Awards of the 2012-2013 season got off to an excellent start in Norwich, with the Overall Champion title going to Tavern Tasty Meats for their imaginative product ‘The Black Quack’!The Black Quack, a Scotch egg made with a duck egg wrapped ...

  • News

    Herdshire beef served up by top French chef


    Paul Bocuse, who holds the record of 47 years for a restaurant with three Michelin stars, has started serving Herdshire Beef Select ribs at L’Ouest, in Lyon.EBLEX sees this as a seal of approval for Quality Standard beef from one of the world’s most respected chefs at his new brasserie ...

  • British Pigs

    NPA fears European pork and bacon supply is contracting fast


    Britain’s National Pig Association says a world shortage of pork and bacon next year is now unavoidable. It also claims that British supermarkets can protect consumers from shortages and steep price rises if they pay Britain’s loss-making pig farmers a fair price, to help them remain in production. New ...

  • News

    Guidance for pig producers on destocking


    BPEX has published guidance for pig producers on strategic de-stocking and reviewing slaughter weight decisions.Andrew Knowles, BPEX Head of Communications and Knowledge Transfer said: “The cost of pig production has rocketed as a result of high feed prices and, with the pig price not moving upwards enough to cover this, ...

  • Discover Lamb Kit Montage 2

    New autumn POS kit for butchers


    As the nights draw in and temperatures drop, hearty warming dishes come back into favour, EBLEX has produced a new promotional kit designed to help butchers boost sales of beef and lamb this autumn.The kit, which is currently being dispatched to members of EBLEX’s Quality Standard Mark Scheme, contains three ...

  • Brindon Addy Irish Trip pic 1

    Emerald Isle honour for Q Guild chairman


    Kirklees butcher and Meat Management contributor, Brindon Addy, has been honoured by his peers in Ireland.In his high profile role as chairman of the national Q Guild of Butchers, Brindon, who runs J Brindon Addy Butchers in Hade Edge, Holmfirth, was invited to visit the country by Associated Craft Butchers ...

  • Peter Kendall receives his honorary degree

    Honorary degree for NFU president


    Harper Adams Agricultural College has handed out a number of honorary degrees and fellowships, including one to NFU President Peter Kendall.The East Bedfordshire farmer was presented with an honorary doctorate in recognition of his service to UK agriculture and leadership role within the NFU. Kendall, who farms in Eyeworth, was ...

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    QSM TV campaign kicks off


    A heavyweight consumer advertising campaign from EBLEX is set to raise awareness of the recently strengthened Quality Standard Mark Scheme for beef and lamb. The high profile campaign, which is part of an overall £1.35 million marketing investment from EBLEX, is entitled Simple Pleasures. The campaign will air nationally from ...