After many years sterling service, the mobile kitchen used by Ladies in Pigs (LIPs) at countless shows and events across the country has been replaced.

The members of LIPs must have cooked tens of thousands of dishes across the 15 years since BPEX first funded the fully equipped kitchen.

The keys to the vehicle were handed over to LIPs chairwoman, Sue Woodall ,by BPEX Chairman Stewart Houston.

Sue said: “The kitchen has been absolutely invaluable and we just couldn’t have achieved what we have without it. It is a multi-functional vehicle as it can be educational when we visit schools, but also a promotion idea in supermarket car parks and events of all sorts.

“The new one has a modern look with different graphics from the old one to promote the message of farm assured pork and Trust The Tractor. We are very grateful to BPEX for funding the new kitchen and also to other people in the industry who helped pay for some of the contents.”

BPEX Chairman Stewart Houston said: “The ladies of LIPs have done a magnificent job over many years and the industry owes them a huge debt.

“BPEX was only too happy to fund this new demonstrational mobile kitchen which will, hopefully, give good service for many years to come and allow LIPs to carry on the good work.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.