The National Association of Catering Butchers (NACB) is to organise a new craft skills competition which will feature on day two of this years’ NEC based MEATUP exhibition in July. The competition will search for the UK Foodservice Meat Craftsman 2013, with six finalists showing their skills in the main competition arena on 3rd July.

The new competition, will be organised by the NACB,

The new competition, will be organised by the NACB and both BPEX and Blythburg Freerange Pork are sponsors.

The 2013 competition will set an exacting criteria working with British pork and is set to create much interest, being the first time a competition of this type has been staged on a national platform. BPEX is fully backing the new initiative as a main sponsor, together with Blythburgh Freerange Pork and the winner will not only pick up the prestigious title of UK Foodservice Meat Craftsman 2013, but will win an overnight gourmet dinner experience at one of the UK’s top restaurants, including a tour of kitchens and accommodation, plus expenses worth around £1,500.

Peter Allen, the chairman of the NACB, welcomed the initiative: “We fully support the MEATUP idea and this year it offers a brilliant opportunity for NACB members and others to show the superb range of skills and innovation to be found in the foodservice sector of the UK meat industry. As it happens the NACB are focussing more than ever on education this year, in a quest to put as much emphasis as possible on raising standards. This new and exciting competition is part of that quest and we are really looking forward to the event on July 3rd.”

Tony Goodger, the BPEX trade sector manager for foodservice, was equally enthusiastic: “We are very pleased to be involved with this new competition. We believe that pork is often under-represented on many menu’s, although it offers significant benefits to the chef or caterer. The new and prestigious NACB competition will highlight just how versatile and cost effective pork can be and we are delighted to be paired up with NACB together with Blythburgh Freerange Pork to find the UK Foodservice Meat Craftsman 2013.”

Emma Cash, the organiser of MEATUP commented: “The new UK Foodservice Meat Craftsman competition is a welcome and important addition to what’s on at MEATUP this year. We are particularly delighted to introduce a strong focus on the foodservice sector, which is such an important part of the meat industry and offers great products and innovation. It’s certainly an exciting development for the show and is certain to generate great publicity for finalists and the ultimate winner.”

For more information on how to enter email Katie Doherty at NACB head office: or call 020 7248 1896.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.