All News articles – Page 315

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    Transformed pig manager wins award


    Tony Wright of Shedden Farms was presented with a special Student of the Year Award at the final session of the BPEX Professional Manager’s Development Scheme (PMDS).He was one of what BPEX describes as: "Seven truly inspirational pig managers whose energy and professionalism shone through as they presented what they ...

  • Minette Batters: "Organising an event of this size is no easy feat and it will take from now until October to ensure that we have everything in place to meet the strict criteria."

    Asda to sponsor LIB's Largest Simultaneous Roast Dinner record attempt


    At the start of Great British Beef Week (21st-27th April 2013) Ladies in Beef (LIB) reports that Asda has agreed to support its attempt to break the Guinness World Record® for the Largest Simultaneous Roast Dinner.The group of female beef farmers plans to smash the current Guinness World Record®¹ by ...

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    New non-exec chairman at Dunbia


    Lord Brian Mawhinney has been appointed as non-executive chairman of the Group Board at Dunbia.Lord Mawhinney had a long career as a MP during which time he held a number of senior posts including Minister of State in the Northern Ireland Office and Secretary of State for Transport. He was ...

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    Misplaced 'mega farm' fears threatening British livestock production


    Growing urbanisation of the British countryside is threatening national food production, says the National Pig Association. It is particularly concerned that even planning applications for traditional part-time pig units are now meeting with opposition.Britain already imports around 60% of its pork and pork products — usually from less welfare-friendly farms ...


    England's Best Steak Pie competition gets record entries


    England’s Best Steak Pie Competition 2013 has attracted a record number of entries, with over 100 pies submitted for judging by retailers, caterers and manufacturers across the country.All the entries will be evaluated by a team of judges next Wednesday (24th April). The pies will be judged against a set ...

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    New Groceries Code Adjudicator explains her role to NFU


    Groceries Code Adjudicator designate Christine Tacon has visited the NFU to explain her new role to staff.Ms Tacon will be responsible for enforcing the Groceries Supply Code of Practice (GSCOP), which covers interactions between the ten largest supermarkets with an annual turnover of over £1bn and their direct suppliers.“The public ...

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    McDonald's UK to switch to 100% Freedom Food labelled pork


    All sausage and bacon in UK McDonald's McMuffins and the bacon in its premium salads and promotional burgers will now be sourced from Freedom Food approved farms, making it the UK's second largest buyer of pork from the scheme.Warren Anderson, vice president, supply chain at McDonald's UK said: "Not only ...

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    Quality meats hit Hong Kong show


    Quality beef, lamb and pork are to be featured at a major trade show taking place in Hong Kong from 7th to 10th May.EBLEX and BPEX are working in conjunction with UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) and more than a dozen firms will be on a stand at HOFEX, the ...

  • LIB Beef Labelling 12pp A5 FINAL-1 copy

    Ladies in Beef launch Shopper's Guide to Buying British


    Ladies in Beef have produced a new guide to labelling to help consumers identify quality assured British beef more easily.‘A Shopper’s Guide To Buying British Beef’ is being launched in time for the start of Great British Beef Week 2013 (21st to 27th April) and will be available to download ...

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    James Martin launches young chef beef and lamb challenge


    Celebrity chef James Martin is again backing an industry campaign to get more young people to cook with Red Tractor beef and lamb.Young people from across the country are being asked to show off their culinary skills in the Red Tractor beef and lamb Make it with Mince Challenge 2013.It ...

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    ABP Food Group to sell Silvercrest facility to Kepak


    The ABP Food Group has taken the strategic decision to exit the frozen burger sector in Ireland and as a consequence it has sold the Silvercrest facility at Ballybay, Co Monaghan to Kepak Group, subject to Competition Authority approval.This sale involves the transfer of the 122 staff currently employed at ...

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    Review into FSA response to horse meat debacle


    The FSA Board has agreed that a review will be carried out into the Agency’s response to the recent incidents of adulteration of processed beef products with horse and pig meat and DNA.The work will be conducted independently of the Agency, headed by Professor Pat Troop with a secretariat provided ...

  • HRH The Prince of Wales receives the Royal Smithfield Club Bicentenary Trophy from John Coultrip (immediate past president of The Royal Smithfield Club). Behind – left to right: John Campbell (past club chairman), Julian Hopwood (Club chairman elect)…

    HRH recognitiion for contribution to livestock industry


    In surroundings in the heart of farming Cumbria, HRH The Prince of Wales was presented with The Royal Smithfield Club Bicentenary Trophy Award as the winner of this livestock industry accolade.HRH The Prince of Wales receives the Royal Smithfield Club Bicentenary Trophy from John Coultrip (immediate past president of The ...

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    Indirect land use change proposal a blow for UK oilseed and protein supply says NFU


    A proposal to reduce the market size for biofuel production in Europe will damage farmer confidence and reduce the incentive to produce for food, feed and fuel, warned the NFU.The warning comes following the publication of the draft opinion on the Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) Proposal by the French ...

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    British beef carcase quality results show progress


    There was some improvement in the quality of British prime beef carcases during 2012, according to the latest annual carcase classification results released by EBLEX.Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) data, taken from a sample of over 400,000 prime cattle classified across Great Britain in 2012, shows that 51% of ...

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    Difficult choice ahead as Scotland moves from historic single farm payment


    We must support active farms and target support to maintain production in order to drive the Scottish food and drink industry, said NFU Scotland following a Scottish Government conference.Possible payment models were outlined at the seminar by the James Hutton Institute outlining how direct support might be paid in Scotland ...

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    Premier Lounge interest at MEATUP


    With the visitor campaign now in full swing and as interest in the forthcoming MEATUP exhibition at the NEC gains added momentum, the Premier Club option offered to VIP guests is also proving popular. This is an option where exhibitors and sponsors can nominate specific visitors to enjoy the exclusive ...

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    Disadvantages remain despite CAP reform progress


    EU negotiations on CAP reform have so far failed to remove the disadvantages facing Scotland’s meat chain in comparison to production in other member states, says the Scottish Association of Meat Wholesalers (SAMW).In a sharply-worded letter to Owen Paterson, Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, SAMW ...

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    EBLEX mission to build on export of premium lamb cuts to Belgium


    A group of journalists have been given a taste of Quality Standard Lamb by EBLEX as the organisation looks to build on exports of premium cuts to Belgium.The two-day visit to the South West included visits to sheep farms to gain an insight into quality grass-based production systems, and lamb ...

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    Supermarkets under fire over GM animal feed


    Following announcements from M&S, Sainsbury’s, Co-Op and Tesco that they will no longer require that the farm animals in their supply chains are fed a non-GM diet, Peter Melchett, policy director of the Soil Association has hit back hard. : “Tesco and the Co-Op are misleading their customers by claiming ...