2 Sisters’ Rogerstone Park site has diverted surplus stock of 15,000 prepared ready meals to FareShare Cymru, reportedly enough to feed all theatre goers to a full Wales Millennium Centre for more than eight consecutive performances.

The facility began diverting food to the charity at the end of July and has been supplying it with twice-weekly deliveries ever since.

2 Sisters Rogerstone Park Dillys Holder

Rogerstone Park's Dilys Holder, responsible for building the FareShare pallets.

FareShare Cymru is part of FareShare UK, a UK food charity that redistributes edible surplus food from the food industry to frontline charities and community groups that support vulnerable people.

Lisa Hancock, general manager at Rogerstone Park, commented: "It's fantastic that we've been able to play our part and help people within our local community whilst at the same time reduce food waste.

“This has developed into a great arrangement that turns a potential environmental challenge into a social solution."

Sarah Germain, manager at FareShare Cymru, added: "The Meal Solutions team at Rogerstone Park has really stepped up to the challenge and diverted their surplus food to us on a regular basis.

“The food has made a huge difference and instead of being wasted it's now helping to feed thousands of people across South East Wales who need it most."

Last month, 2 Sisters donated 84 tonnes of food to FareShare, so its network of frontline charities could provide a meal to over 200,000 people during the festive period.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.