Birmingham Halal Abattoir Ltd has been convicted and ordered to pay more than £18,000 for failing to undergo the required meat inspections.

According to the Food Standards Agency (FSA), on 12th September 2017, the abattoir slaughtered 41 sheep that had not been subject to antemortem inspections.

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Birmingham Halal Abattoir Ltd has been fined for food safety regulations breaches.*

On 7th February, Birmingham Magistrates Court fined the company £12,000 and ordered it to pay the FSA’s costs of £6,767, plus an additional £170 victim surcharge, making a total of £18,937.

FSA has welcomed the decision, with its head of operations, Martin Evans, commenting: “The FSA takes these breaches of food safety regulations very seriously.

“We welcome this substantial fine for this unacceptable disregard of procedures that are put in place to protect consumers. This sends a clear message to other abattoirs that fail to uphold the required standards of food safety: we will investigate and we will look to prosecute.”

*The picture is a stock abattoir image, not depicting Birmingham Halal Abattoir Ltd.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.