The Association of Independent Meat Suppliers (AIMS) has welcomed DEFRA’s announcement that the new Livestock Information Service is to go ahead, working in partnership with the industry.

The new service, set to be operational from 2019, will give farmers and processors accurate information about animals and their movements by providing the means to identify and track animal movements via electronic IDs throughout their whole lifecycle.

The Livestock Information Service will reportedly bring huge benefits not just to the industry but to consumers for whom food safety, animal welfare and the origin of food are of increasing importance.

DEFRA states that the service will “provide the foundation for what said to be some of the best farm to fork traceability in the world when the UK leaves the EU and will demonstrate the UK’s credentials as a leader in food production”.

Norman Bagley.

Norman Bagley.

Head of policy at AIMS, Norman Bagley, said: “We have been working together with DEFRA and other key industry partners for over a year to deliver on this service, which will deliver significant benefits to all, right across the food supply chain.

“Much credit must go to DEFRA’s Simon Hall, as the lead civil servant working with theTraceability Design User Group to bring this to fruition.”

Identifying and tracking animal movements via electronic IDs (initially dairy cows, cattle, sheep, pigs and goats) also means that the industry and government will be better-placed to respond in the event of a disease outbreak.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.