The Board of ANM Group has decided to support a Management Buy In (MBI) of Yorkshire Premier Meats, having considered all offers for the company and recognising the stabilising of the business, which it says has now been achieved.
The MBI team comprises the experienced industry combination of Jim Jaffray, currently the managing director of the ANM Group Meat Division, and Keith McCall, the ANM group finance director. Jim and Keith, along with Pat Machray OBE, the ANM Group chief executive, have been responsible for the turnaround and restructuring of ANM’s meat division to date, and have over 40-years of industry experience between them.
The Yorkshire Premier Meats business has, in the course of 2012, been returned to a position of breakeven trading and is enjoying good trading relationships with its main suppliers and customers.The proposal has received the unanimous support of the ANM Board, and the MBI team, with ANM Group backing, will now move on to finalise funding and other steps required prior to completion within the next month or so.
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.