The BMPA is behind the staging of a major conference and debate in March, Rethink, the sustainable truth about British livestock.

Chief executive, Nick Allen said: "Rethink was conceived to navigate the confusing and often contradictory opinions, pseudo-science and genuine science that are currently shaping ordinary people's choices about what they should and shouldn't be eating.

Rethink Conference 2

"We want to examine the difference between British pasture-based livestock farming and the intensive feedlot systems in other countries. Both have very different environmental footprints.

The event is by invitation only and Allen continued: "We’ll be inviting journalists, influencers and Government policy makers who are involved in guiding the public on their food choices based on the impact those choices will have on climate change."

Allen continued: "We want to have a balanced debate, not a one-sided argument about the contribution that meat and livestock has to climate change.

"Findings from scientific studies can be misinterpreted or taken out of context to suit a particular argument and this can quickly turn into a global news headline.

"If we want to make meaningful changes to how we live in order to help the planet, then we need to base our decisions on information that is accurate and specific to our situation here in the UK.

"Rethink will explain how the environmental impact of particular dietary and lifestyle choices will vary depending on where in the world a consumer is making them."


Sponsored by AHDB, HCC and The Royal Smithfield Club the event will be hosted by BBC journalist, Tom Heap, and has a heavyweight speaker line-up so far including: NFU Minette Batters, Frédéric Leroy, Professor of Food Science & Biotechnology of Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Dr Frank Mitloehner, PhD, professor and air quality specialist at UC, Davi, Sarah Bridle, professor of Astrophysics at University of Manchester and Dr Taro Takahashi of Rothamsted Research.

Click here to find out more. BMPA says places are strictly limited.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.