Guides detailing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to help the industry cope with an outbreak of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea (PED) have been produced by BPEX on behalf of the Pig Health and Welfare Council.
The SOPs are the first step in preparing to cope with exotic and emerging disease. They are now available on the BPEX website and will be updated regularly as the situation changes and knowledge of how to control PED improves.
BPEX veterinary manager, Martin Smith, who has co-ordinated the SOPs, said: “In the event of PED arriving on our shores these documents will outline best practice and methods of control.
“They will apply to all producers – either indoor or outdoor – processors and the entire allied industry.
“The dozen SOPs will cover dealing with visitors on site and vehicles, plus one about manure and another dealing with how fallen stock should be handled.”
The SOPs are based on the experiences of the Canadian industry, which has had some success controlling the disease using strict biosecurity.
BPEX also plans to launch a disease charter for producers, which will have a vital role to play in the event of an outbreak.
To view the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) click here.
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.