Brazil’s President, Michel Temer, has been accused of taking millions of dollars in bribes from meat-packing giant JBS.

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Michel Temer, President of Brazil.

The accusations come from Brazilian federal prosecutor, Rodrigo Janot, who presented a 64-page document to the country’s Supreme Court on 26thJune formally charging President Michel Temer with corruption.

The document links the alleged corruption to producer of beef and leather, JBS. The text makes 16 specific references to J&F Investimentos, the parent company of the JBS group, as well as four references to JBS and 18 to the group’s former chairman, Joesley Batista.

Janot has stated that in the course of the months of March and April 2017, President Temer received for his own benefit the sum of half a million reais, which at current rates equates to around $150,000.

The document suggests that the money was offered to the president by Joesley Batista and handed over by a JBS executive, Ricardo Saud.

It also says JBS promised to increase its payments in future to reach a total amount of around $11.5 million.

The charges have been delivered to a Supreme Court judge who will now decide if the case can be sent to the lower house of parliament in order to begin a trial.

This is reportedly the first time that a sitting Brazilian president has faced charges. Temer has denied the charges.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.