The Danish Agriculture and Food Council (DAFC) has expressed its disappointment at Great Britain’s decision to leave the EU, believing it will create uncertainty for Danish companies producing food for export.

European Union Flag

CEO of the DAFC, Karen Hækkerup, said: “It is highly worrying that the Brits are leaving the EU. However, I still believe there is a market for Danish bacon in the UK as the UK today is far from self-sufficient in agricultural products.

“We know that Brits love their Danish bacon and we will love to keep selling in to the UK, but the Brexit is a blow to Danish exports,” she said.

“We now have to try to work out agreements ensuring the export of bacon and other foodstuff in the future. It is not going to be an easy job.”

The DAFC has called on the British government to ensure that necessary trade agreements are made as quickly as possible in order for Danish businesses to avoid extra costs and paper work in the future.

The DAFC represents the farming and food industry of Denmark, including businesses, trade and farmers’ associations. It is the result of a merger of five organisations: Danish Agriculture, the Danish Bacon and Meat Council, the Danish Agricultural Council, the Danish Dairy Board and Danish Pig Production.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
