Danish Crown sausages, salami/pepperoni and canned products have been given the green light to be exported to China, following several years of talks between China and Denmark.

The agreement will see two factories owned by Tulip Food Company, Danish Crown Group’s subsidiary, export and sell to both the retail trade, online and to the foodservice sector in China.

Sausages and salami/pepperoni will be exported from Tulip’s Svenstrup factory and canned products from the factory in Vejle.

Access to the Chinese market means that Danish Crown Group will be able to get closer to both the retail trade and to the foodservice wholesalers, even before its own factory near Shanghai is completed in 2019.

Tulip’s CEO, Kasper Lenbroch, commented: “For sausages and canned products alone, we see potential exports from Denmark of DKK 250 million a year.

“It'll take a few years to build to this level, but Danish pork already enjoys a strong position in China, so we're hardly starting from scratch.”

The first container is expected to be shipped off within the next few weeks, Lenbroch stated, adding that the agreement marks a “breakthrough for Danish food exports”.

Jais Valeur

Jais Valeur, CEO of Danish Crown.

Jais Valeur, Group CEO of Danish Crown, noted: “It's incredibly valuable for us that the Danish authorities, headed by the Minister for Environment and Food of Denmark Esben Lunde Larsen together with employees at the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration and staff at the Danish embassy in Beijing have worked unfailingly to secure the agreement.

“Their persistent efforts have ensured that Danish food businesses are yet again leading the way.”

Access to the Chinese market ties in with Tulip and Danish Crown’s strategy that includes plans for growth in Asia with their own factory in China, as well as various global initiatives.

Valeur also highlighted that “extensive and well-established exports of fresh pork from Denmark will now be boosted by heat-treated products, such as sausages and canned products”, adding: “This will soon be complemented with local production based on Danish raw materials, which will put us in an extremely strong position in what in the space of just a few years has become one of Danish Crown's most important markets.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.