Danish pig production has been singled out by the UN’s Food & Agriculture Organisation as a role model when it comes to reducing antibiotic consumption and addressing the challenges of resistant bacteria.
The report is a retrospective tribute to those who had the foresight to make significant changes to ensure consumer protection…..implementing changes in behaviour for greatest impact. Among other things, the report points out that Danish pig producers have succeeded in reducing antibiotic consumption year after year.
"This is an enormous tribute to the efforts of our farmers and veterinarians who continue to deliver some great results on behalf of Danish pig production,” says Erik Larsen, Chairman, Danish Agriculture and Food Council (DAFC), Pig Production.
"We are constantly challenging ourselves, and I hope we can inspire some of our international colleagues to do the same. Resistance is a global issue, which requires a global response. The report is, therefore, a call to other countries,” adds Mr Larsen.
The reports also highlighted Danish farmers’ focus on biosecurity, the ability to prevent disease and the industry’s health system, the so-called SPF system. Other important factors are the advice on disease prevention offered by practising veterinarians, the Yellow Card scheme, and the industry’s voluntary phasing out of antibiotics that DAFC say are crucial for human health.
The following contributed to the report: Denmark’s Ministry of Environment and Food, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, Statens Serum Institut, DTU, The Danish Veterinary Association and the Danish Agriculture and Food Council.
• Read the full report here.• Read also: Danish pigs in demand• Yellow Card scheme: Read more about the Danish Yellow Card scheme
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.