Sausage manufacturer Debbie&andrew’s has revealed its brand has been valued a £9.2 million, seeing a growth of 42.7% year-on-year and with further plans to build on this success.
“We are planning to accelerate our activities in the second half of the year,” Debbie&andrew’s spokesman Ian Bagnall said.
“We aim to increase our customer engagement activities and further embed the brand with our loyal customer base. We will also be communicating to new consumer groups who are not familiar with debbie&andrew’s in an effort to bring new customers to the brand.”
The company has invested £100,000 into its new Quest for the Best campaign, which will feature a series of video and photo documentaries fronted by celebrity chef Andy Bates in his quest for the perfect sausage.
Debbie&andrew’s has also secured new listings in Morrisons and is now available online via Ocado, whilst in the second quarter of 2015 debbie&andrew’s successfully launched its new wheat, gluten and dairy free Caramelised Red Onion Pork Sausage.
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.