New export opportunities for the UK were explored when a team of delegates from the Department for International Trade (DIT) made a special visit to Stoneleigh recently.

DIT visit to AHDB

DIT visit to AHDB.

Fifteen members of DIT’s global trade team spent the day at the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) headquarters learning about its work with exports.

During their visit, the delegation – which included representatives from Argentina, China, Australia and Europe – were told about the ongoing efforts to gain access to key markets around the world and the recent successes in boosting overseas trade.

They were also given an overview of the latest export figures, the recent inward missions with US and Chinese government officials and forthcoming trade shows – including Anuga in Germany, which starts tomorrow.

The aim of the visit was to identify new prospects for UK exports and see how AHDB and DIT officials around the world can work together to maximise future opportunities.

AHDB International Market development director Dr Phil Hadley said: “It was a very successful day with many positive outcomes. AHDB works collaboratively with government bodies to help increase our exports and this formed part of our ongoing work to share best practice and identify new and better ways of working.”

The visit was planned to coincide with Anuga. AHDB will have its biggest presence at the show in more than 30 years, joined on its stand by a record 16 exporters flying the flag for pork, beef and lamb from the UK.

Stuart Dunn, Head of Food and Drink for DIT China, said: “Our visit to AHDB was very interesting and it was good to hear about the important work of the export team. It provided an opportunity for us to look at how to work collaboratively to improve our international prospects.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.