Veterinary inspection services provider Eville and Jones (E&J) has completed the acquisition of the Vorenta Group, which includes the Meat and Livestock Commercial Services Ltd (MLCSL) and Hallmark Veterinary and Compliance Services.

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Vorenta provides carcass classification services to the meat industry, the deployment of veterinarians under contract to various government departments and delivers both Portal Inspection and Export Health Certification services relating to products of animal origin (POAO).

E&J’s primary role is the provision of Official Veterinarians and Meat Hygiene Inspectors to undertake Official Controls and delivering Export Health Certification services to exporters of POAO.

According to the E&J Group, the investment will “accelerate” the company’s growth by expanding operations into Scotland, building on its existing service offerings and by broadening its range of services for both existing and new customers.

The company said that customers will see no changes to the day-to-day delivery of service however, they will start to “benefit from increases in the range of services offered.”

Growth plans

Group CEO Charles Hartwell said Vorenta and E&J are “natural partners with shared ambitions and values.” He said: “This merger accelerates our growth plans and enables us to expand our service offering to both our existing and future customers whilst providing opportunities for our people.”

Chair of Vorenta David Peace said both E&J and Vorenta have “built a reputation for delivering quality, value-adding solutions to the food industry.”

He added: “As part of the expanded E&J group, we will be able to focus our resources to reach and serve more customers and give our people a wider spectrum of opportunity.

“I very much look forward to joining the E&J Board, in addition to continuing as the managing director of MLCSL.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.