The much anticipated City Meat Lecture has just 30 or so remaining tickets available for this year’s Worshipful Company of Butchers annual event, presented by Professor Alice Stanton. It takes place on 24th November at Butchers’ Hall, London and doors open at 6.00pm for a 6.30pm start.

Professor Alice Stanton.

Professor Alice Stanton.

Following the lecture, “How much red meat should we eat? Will the WWF climate ambitions endanger human health?” the audience will have opportunity to debate the issues raised with a specialist panel, which includes the head of Agriculture Sectors Team at Defra, John Powell, former Sainsbury’s director, Liveryman, and now director of Food Matters International, Judith Batchelar OBE plus journalist and author of The Great Plant-Based Con Jayne Buxton.

Speaking recently with the Worshipful Company of Butchers organising committee for the event Professor Alice Stanton, said: “The overall ambition of the recently announced World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Basket Initiative, the halving of the environmental impact of UK supermarket baskets by 2030, is highly laudable. However, the key UK Basket outcome for diet is to achieve a 50/50 plant / animal protein sales split.”

She continued: “This outcome, if achieved, will very likely result in substantial nutritional deficiencies - women, children, the elderly and those of low income will be particularly adversely impacted. Furthermore, if meat, fish, dairy and egg protein is replaced by ultra-processed plant-based meat and dairy alternatives, which are high in added sugars, salt and multiple cosmetic additives, there is considerable risk that deaths and ill-health from diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and cancers will increase exponentially.”

The City Meat Lecture is open to all working in the meat industry (not just WCB Liverymen) and tickets are priced at £70.00 + VAT. This includes a finger buffet, drinks and a networking session post-lecture.

Go to to book a place.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.