Major poultry processor 2 Sisters Food Group and the National Farmers' Union (NFU) have pledged commitment to the Food Waste Reduction Roadmap.

Developed with IGD and WRAP to further reduce the UK’s food waste problem, the Roadmap encompasses the entire supply chain from field to fork.

2sisters board

2 Sisters Food Group have pledged commitment to the Food Waste Reduction Roadmap.

By September 2019, the aim is to have 50% of the UK’s largest 250 food businesses measuring, reporting and acting on food waste, with all 250 companies doing so by 2026.

To make this happen, the Roadmap is published with a wide range of new resources to enable businesses to act consistently, and support work is already underway by many companies through setting out a clear collaborative journey the whole industry can follow.

2 Sisters will be adopting a ‘Target, Measure, Act’ framework to achieve national policy objectives and targets on food waste reduction.

This aligns behind the UN Sustainable Development Goal of slashing food waste across UK operations by 50% by 2030.

To support this, 2 Sisters will be publishing waste figures to ensure transparency.

Andrew Nicholson, sustainability manager, said: “2 Sisters have been championing sustainable food production for many years.

Following the launch of the 2SFG Feeding our Future sustainability plan back in 2015 we have been working with our customers to reduce food waste across our business.

“We are proud of the work we have already done in this area as a friend of Champions 12.3, and are delighted to say that 2 Sisters is an early adopter of the Food Waste Reduction Roadmap.

“Reducing food waste is vital to the health and longevity of the human race and the protection of our planets dwindling resources. It is not a choice but a prerequisite to the future of food manufacturing.”

NFU is also backing the Roadmap. NFU president, Minette Batters, said: “This is an incredibly important initiative by WRAP and IGD, and the NFU is very pleased to be able to support it.

“As food producers, farmers and growers have a clear role to play in this effort and it is encouraging to see many of our members already commit to cutting food waste in their business.

“It’s very clear that a whole supply chain effort is required to effectively reduce our food waste and it is incredibly positive to see the entirety of the industry throw their weight behind this initiative.

“The NFU is committed to sustainability and transparency, and will continue to engage with the industry to address the food waste challenge.”

Marcus Gover, CEO of WRAP, said: “There are many businesses working hard already, but many more need to focus on food waste.

“I urge other companies to adopt the principles laid out in the Roadmap and join the rest of the sector on this historic journey.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
