Liverymen of the Worshipful Company of Butchers (WCB) gathered at the Museum of London on Friday 3rd June for the annual Master’s Fundraising Sumer Ball.

WCB Master Patricia Dart with WCB clerk Major General Jeff Mason at the Summer Ball.

WCB Master Patricia Dart with WCB clerk Major General Jeff Mason at the Summer Ball.

This year, Master Patricia Dart’s chosen charity for the ball was Butchers’ Hall itself – home of the WCB – as the hall and its surrounding area are currently being redeveloped.The hall was opened on its current site in 1885 and German bombs in 1915, 1941 and a V1 bomb in 1944 all caused significant damage to the fabric of the building. However, it was reopened in 1960 and acclaimed as ‘one of the first modern City Livery Halls to be built in London’. An extra floor was added in 1996.

Liveryman Bill Jermey of the ftc and Institute of Meat enjoying the evening.

Liveryman Bill Jermey of the ftc and The Institute of Meat enjoying the evening.

The hall is currently closed and the doors will remain shut for another three years while the work takes place.The fundraising target for the Summer Ball was £50,000 to go towards the refurbishment and refurnishing of the hall following the redevelopment.Fundraising activities on the night included a traditional game of Heads and Tails with the first prize being a case of six bottles of Dumenil Champagne.Another highlight of the evening was a raffle with 10 prizes including a one week holiday in Slovenia, a fight experience in a vintage aircraft piloted by an ex RAF Tornado pilot and six tickets for the Members Enclosure at Newmarket Races, among others.Guests also bid generously in a silent auction throughout the event.As well as live music and a magician, the night included a three course meal sponsored by Loch Fyne Seafood and Grill, Bord Bia and Wrights Food Group. Attendees also enjoyed a drinks reception sponsored by Sealed Air Cryovac amongst the museum’s exhibits.Meat Management was also proud to play a part in the evening, producing a brochure for the event, which liverymen used to advertise their companies and raise further funds for the hall.The WCB was pleased to not only meet, but beat, its fundraising target at the event. The final figure is still being calculated, but is looking to be around £59,000.Welcoming guests, Master Patricia Dart said: “We want to do everything we can to make sure you all enjoy yourselves at our Summer Ball, full of fun and frivolity, as we begin the serious business of fundraising for the future of Butchers’ Hall.“We’ve set ourselves a target of £500K for the refurbishment, refurnishing and re-equipping of the hall following the redevelopment and this is the first event in what will be a three year fundraising effort. It’s an important programme as we seek to prepare the way for future generations of liverymen to enjoy the fellowship and opportunities available to us.”
Speaking after the event, Jeff Mason said: "What a fantastic result from our Summer Ball, which was wholly due to our supporters. A great start to our fundraising appeal for the refurbishment of Butchers' Hall."

The ball included a silent auction.

The ball included a silent auction.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.