Farmer and TV presenter, Adam Henson, has shown his support for Great British Beef Week, a campaign established by Ladies in Beef which aims to inspire consumers to cook with quality British beef.

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Farmer and TV personality, Adam Henson, has supported the Great British Beef Week campaign set up by Ladies in Beef.

GBBW 2020, which marks its tenth anniversary this year, will takes place from 23rd to 30th April and will continue to profile some of the country’s inspirational beef farmers.

The campaign will be going ahead in a scaled-down format as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Events which were due to take place during the week have been cancelled, including fundraising events for GBBW’s charity partner RABI. However, online and traditional media activity will still go ahead, albeit adapted to ‘the new normal’.

“This campaign is as important now as it has ever been, as our beef farmers continue to work tirelessly to feed the nation in extraordinary circumstances."

Henson said: “I’m a big supporter of the work done by Ladies in Beef to improve the public perception of British beef, so I’m delighted to see Great British Beef Week reach its tenth anniversary.

“This campaign is as important now as it has ever been, as our beef farmers continue to work tirelessly to feed the nation in extraordinary circumstances. Hopefully it will encourage farmers and the public to come together online to support each other and champion quality British beef.”

Jilly Greed, co-founder of Ladies in Beef, which organises GBBW, said: “We did consider postponing the week, as it is undoubtedly a very uncertain and challenging time for everyone. However, with empty shelves causing consumer confidence to waver, we believe there is an opportunity for the beef sector to come together to reassure people that we are working incredibly hard to put food on their tables and to inspire them to cook with a range of beef cuts, hopefully encouraging more normal purchasing behaviour.

“Our meal ideas are all based around batch cooking and store cupboard essentials. We are working with social media influencers to help get the message out there that beef is versatile and nutritious as well as delicious, encouraging them to incorporate other cuts, as well as their usual repertoire of mince-based dishes.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.