The High Commissioner for New Zealand to the UK, Bede Corry, addressed the Court Luncheon at Butchers’ Hall, stating his enthusiasm for the latest FTA between the UK and NZ, and future trade between the two nations.

High Commissioner

The Master of the WCB Margaret Boanas with High Commissioner Bede Corry, signing the book to become an Honorary Freeman. Photo credit: Phil McCarthy.

As part of the Worshipful Company of Butchers (WBC) Court and Livery Luncheon, held at Butchers’ Hall in London, Corry was made an Honorary Freeman of the Company. He was welcomed by Master of the WCB Margaret Boanas.

UK-NZ trade deal

On Monday, 28th February, International Trade Secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan signed a UK-New Zealand free trade deal in a meeting with New Zealand minister Damien O’Connor in London.

After reaching agreement in principle last October negotiators finalised the deal. In a statement released by the UK government, the new deal “will remove trade barriers on a huge range of UK goods and services and provide new opportunities for British businesses.”

Addressing the WCB lunch attended by Liverymen and guests, Corry spoke about “the long and proud tradition” of meat trade between the UK and New Zealand dating back 140 years. He acknowledged that 2022 marks the anniversary of the first shipment of frozen meat arriving in the UK from New Zealand. The arrival of the Dunedin in London in 1882, loaded with mutton carcases, lamb carcases, pigmeat, game and dairy marked the start of this important trading relationship.

Corry added that the new trade deal between the nations would have a positive impact on farmers and consumers of both nations, and that it would be great news for the trade of lamb and wine in particular.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.