Ian Mackway, who retired as general manager of food ingredients company Raps UK earlier this year, is to join the Yandell Publishing team in January as its Awards Ambassador.

ian mackway hero

Ian Mackway will join Yandell Publishing in January as its Awards Ambassador.

Ian will be liaising with retailers, manufacturers and foodservice to ensure the benefits of participation in Yandell’s market leading events are realised and can be made the most of across both the food and meat sectors.Publisher of Meat Management and Food Management Today Graham Yandell was enthusiastic about the news, saying: “We are delighted that Ian is joining us to develop and expand our Awards initiatives. We believe that despite the huge success of these initiatives, it is important that we support everyone and encourage them to make the most of these major events."Whilst other events reduce in size, or disappear, we still enjoy a fantastic response in product entries and reader voting, plus brilliant Awards ceremonies. However, there is always more that can be done and Ian will take up an important role in ensuring we support the industry and deliver great events and worthwhile Awards that continue to truly recognise industry excellence.“This is yet another investment to ensure we stay at the forefront of the market and engage with readers and the wider trade to give a first class service and continue to organise events that are second to none. Working with Emma Cash and Michelle Ingerfield, this appointment also adds another level of support for our commercial Awards partners who participate every year.”Ian Mackway headed up the UK arm of Raps since its UK launch back in 1988 and was always an active supporter of Yandell events over nearly 30 years.During this period he also became Festival Chairman of the meat industry charity the BDCI and joined the Worshipful Company of Butchers as a Liveryman, eventually becoming a member of the Court. He was also involved with a range of innovations over the years working with MLC in the early days to create new meal solutions and award winning products.Ian commented: “It is really exciting that I am able to remain involved with these outstanding Awards. Being involved with the Awards as a sponsor since their inception I understand the benefits for both sponsors and participants and have seen the growth and popularity of the meat and the food awards over the years."I shall look forward to catching up with many friends and making some new ones. I am also looking forward to attending the FMT lunch on 9th February and the MM dinner on 24th May. It’s great to be in a position to advise and encourage participation by industry and hopefully to also help in some product judging too. I shall hit the ground running in January.”To contact Ian after 1st January, email ian.m@yandellmedia.com.

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UK Sausage Week logo 2018

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.