Independent butchers contributed £555 million to the economy and made a significant contribution to employment in food and drink retail, according to a new report from AHDB Beef and Lamb.
Analysis from ‘The role and value of independent butchers in England’ report revealed the sector generated £2.3 billion in turnover in 2014, as well as £555 million in Gross Value Added (GVA).
According to the report there are 5,240 independent butchers in England, which employ a total of 26,140 people. They accounted for 2.2% of all retail firms and 1% of retail employment in 2014.
Looking specifically at England’s food and drink retail economy, independent butchers represent 8.4% of all food and drink businesses and 2% of employment.
Meanwhile the study also recognised that independent butchers are ideally placed to add value for customers by offering advice on preparing and cooking different cuts of meat. Many independent butchers have also responded to changing consumer habits, addressing the needs of customers looking for convenience products.
Michael Richardson, independent retail sector manager for AHDB Beef and Lamb, commented: “The report has not only underlined the significant role currently played by independent butchers in the retail sector, but pointed towards a bright future ahead.
“The perception of independent butchers’ expertise among customers is also incredibly encouraging,” Richardson said. “Tapping into shifting consumer attitudes, such as the increasing emphasis on provenance, is a positive step forwards that the independent sector can continue to capitalise on.
“It’s also good to see them meeting changing consumer demands, with an increasing emphasis on convenience during the week, and looking to try cooking something different and more adventurous at the weekend. Independent butchers are ideally placed to offer advice on what to try and how best to cook it.
“The outlook for independent butchers certainly looks positive and we will continue to work with the sector to help it continue to thrive.”
The report was conducted by Trends Business Research (TBR) for AHDB Beef and Lamb.
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.