A number of meat industry levy organisations have released resources that positively promote the role of meat in a balanced diet, in a bid to address anti-meat sentiment.

ing red meat

Quality Meat Scotland (QMS), Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) and Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) have collated a pack of materials to help manage the reputation of red meat during January 2022 and beyond. The January Toolkit 2022 focuses on three key areas of discussion: health and wellbeing, sustainability and the importance of buying local.

In recent days Burger King UK launched its Vegan Nuggets, made from soy and plant proteins only, which the company said “demonstrates positive progress” towards its target of “a 41% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by

The new year saw the return of the annual Veganuary initiative and earlier this week Burger King UK unveiled its Vegan Nuggets, made from soy and plant proteins only, which the company claimed “demonstrates positive progress” towards its target of “a 41% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.”

Aiming to provide a counterbalance to the debate, the Toolkit was created to “ensure the voices of everyone involved in sustainable red meat production are heard loud and clear.”

The material aims to address common myths and frequently asked questions about the meat industry, covering topics such as the importance of animal-derived foods to a vitamin-full diet and the environmental impact of livestock farming. Amongst other findings, the material also draws conclusions on the impact of vegan and vegetarianism on the national diet, stating that more research is needed on the potential long-term effects of a vegan diet on health in larger population groups.

Make It Scotch

QMS will continue to develop its ‘Make It Scotch’ campaign, which aims to further deepen public understanding around “what buying Scotch really means.” The campaign is targeted towards a ‘flexitarian’ audience, with almost eight million 18-39 year olds in the UK thought to be in this category.

The ‘Make It Scotch’ campaign aims to highlight the importance of sustainability, animal welfare, traceability and local produce to the Scottish and wider British meat industry - all factors identified by QMS to be core interests of this audience.

We Eat Balanced

We Eat Balanced, a consumer marketing campaign run by AHDB returned on 4th January with a new TV advert. AHDB said that the advert will “present the facts and bust the myths around food and farming in the UK.”

The campaign is set to run throughout January and February, and it will be made available to consumers on terrestrial and digital TV, while watching video on demand, on social media and in major supermarkets.

Liam Byrne, marketing director at AHDB said: “January is a key time of year for our We Eat Balanced campaign to run as there is a greater emphasis on the ‘reduce meat and dairy’ message to consumers from brands, TV shows and the media in general. Through the campaign, we are giving farmers a platform and a voice to present the facts about food and farming from the UK, and sharing across industry to make sure we are all using evidence-based information consistently.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.