Low carbon farming is an integral part of sustainable agri-food production. Climate change and regulatory pressures are likely to make this increasingly important. Approaches to training and food production will need to adapt to these changing pressures and become more carbon efficient.
To bring industry up to date with this fast-developing area, Campden BRI is holding a seminar on 4th December (see www.campden.co.uk/low-carbon-seminar.htm). Event organiser Nick Saunders explains: “This seminar will bring together experts in the agri-food sector, to discuss relevant approaches and the use of low carbon technologies in primary production and associated operations. A range of industry experts will discuss latest developments in the cost effective management of carbon and the minimisation of emissions within food production and the food supply chain. Specifically: the general context of low carbon farming, appropriate approaches to carbon management and potential options for farming and the food supply chain."Our speakers come from a wide variety of backgrounds – including ADAS, the Soil Association, a local Gloucestershire farm, and an energy company.”For further information, contact Daphne Llewellyn-Davies on +44(0)1386 842040 or d.davies@campden.co.uk
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.