In response to reader and advertising feedback Meat Management magazine is to increase its frequency and with effect from January 2013 it will publish 10 times a year.
"In today’s market we fully understand the importance of being competitive, but we also know that our readers and advertisers want quality and reliability. You can continue to expect both from Meat Management and we will redouble our efforts to provide the very best in innovative meat industry media, both now and over the years to come."
Editor Pamela Brook added: "Since its launch the magazine has rapidly gained a reputation for providing targeted, informed, unique content and this new move means we have the opportunity to offer more of the same and build on our previous successes. I would like to thank all the Meat Management team including our writing panel whose experience, knowledge and areas of expertise in the meat business are invaluable. Onwards and upwards into 2013!"
Meat Management will remain a full member of ABC and publish each month, with combined issues in January/February and July / August.
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.