A further weekly loss of 63,000 rashers of British bacon, 95,000 sausages and 10,000 pork pies were incurred this week as three more pig farmers were forced to sell their herds due to mounting losses.
The National Pig Association's general manager, Dr Zoe Davies is appealing to consumers to back British bacon in the same way they have supported Team GB in the last two weeks: "Please make an extra special effort over the next few weeks to look for the British Red Tractor logo. If supermarkets see a surge in demand for British product, it will persuade them to pay our farmers the few extra pennies a kilo more they need to cover their soaring feed bills.”
Bacon is Britain's favourite food, according to the Top 100 Foods Index — but it is under threat because farmers are losing around £10 on every pig they sell. Unless supermarkets ensure they receive around 10p a kilo more, many will not be able to survive until feed costs return to more normal levels.
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.