Speaking at FachPack 2019, Hans-Joachim Boekstegers, director and CEO of Multivac said: “Despite many economic and political uncertainties, we are expecting a slight growth in turnover for the current business year.”

MULTIVAC at FachPack2019 Pressekonferenz copy

Hans-Joachim Boekstegers at FachPack 2019.

With a turnover of around 1.1 billion euros, the Multivac Group was able to achieve a growth in turnover of 7.7% in 2018 over the previous year. The number of employees increased to 6,400 worldwide.

“When it comes to sustainable packaging solutions, we are the partner of choice,” said Hans-Joachim Boekstegers. “We are raising the awareness of sustainable packaging concepts among our customers worldwide. We are now multiplying our sustainable concepts worldwide, even in those regions, where we have not yet seen an active demand for these solutions.”

After more than 18 years as CEO of the Mulitvac Group, Hans-Joachim Boekstegers will hand over the business on 1st January 2020 to his director colleagues, Christian Traumann and Guido Spix, and bow out of the company. Hans-Joachim Boekstegers joined the company as CEO in April 2001 and has since played a determining role in driving forward the successful development of the company. He was responsible in particular for the systematic expansion of the product portfolio and Multivac's sales and service network. “I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to all representatives of the media for their great interest in Multivac and their professional and comprehensive reporting,” said Boekstegers.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.