After a nationwide search for a suitable candidate, Debbie Wilson has been announced as the new chairwoman for Ladies in Pigs (LIPS).

Debbie Wilson

Debbie Wilson is the new chairwoman for Ladies in Pigs.

Debbie, from Preston near Hull, runs a 200 acre farm with her husband and has a 140 sow breeding herd.

She said: “Having been married to a pig farmer for nearly 30 years and helped with all aspects of rearing and finishing pigs I am familiar with all aspects of the industry. I am passionate about British farming and keen to tell people about what we do and why buying British pork is so important.”

Debbie takes over from Sue Woodall who has been in post for the past ten years.

Sue said: “I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as chairwoman but now it is time for Debbie to take over with new ideas and ways of working.”

LIPS was founded in 1991 by a group of women who wanted to promote the pig industry. Their aim is to educate people about Red Tractor pork and butchers’ pork as well as welfare standards.

Debbie added: “For my interview I produced a step-by-step recipe video tutorial and this is something I’m keen to explore further. I’m also keen to increase our presence in more urban and inner-city areas, reaching out to groups we wouldn’t normally come into contact with and educate them about British pork and pork products.”

Debbie will use her extensive background in education, teaching in schools and with adults and families, to help her run the LIPS stand at events and shows as well as in schools around the country.

She concluded: “I can’t wait to start this job, it feels like it was made for me. I’m passionate about educating people of all ages and am proud to promote British pork so this role combining these two elements is perfect."

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
