The Worshipful Company of Butchers (WCB) entered two new Liverymen into the Company at the October Court Dinner, which took place at Stationers’ Hall, London. The industry’s Livery Company is still holding its events using other Livery Halls in the city whilst awaiting the opening of the new Butchers’ Hall scheduled for September 2019.

new liverymen

New Liverymen Arthur Pynenburg (left) and Donna Smith (right), with WCB Master Graham Baker.

New Liveryman Donna Smith is sales director UK & Europe for Alliance Farmers’ Produce, a business that has been supplying New Zealand lamb, beef and venison for more than 70 years. Donna gave an acceptance speech on behalf of herself and the other new Liveryman Arthur Pynenburg, in which she thanked their proposers and said how pleased they both were to be involved with WCB.

Arthur Pynenburg is managing director of machinery and equipment supplier Treif UK. Arthur commented that he is really looking forward to being a Liveryman and felt honoured to have been proposed and then accepted.

He added: “The Worshipful Company of Butchers has such an important role to play in bringing our industry together. It’s amazing to see the range of people who are Liverymen and it is really a unique opportunity to get together with like minded individuals and to support an institution with a fantastic history which is also relevant to the industry today.”

For details on WCB go to

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.