In its response to the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board’s (AHDB) five-year strategy consultation, the National Farmers Union emphasised that it must deliver and demonstrate value for levy investment.

NFU President Minette Batters

The response highlighted what is needed to help achieve this, including building world-class governance throughout the organisation to provide greater transparency and give levy payer confidence in how their money is being spent.

It has also called for “greater agility and flexibility” when it comes to responding to issues of the moment and for it to create a stronger connection between the industry and applied research through the Evidence for Farming Initiative.

“As part of the five year strategy, the planned two-pronged approach to drive both farm performance and industry and product advocacy looks like a positive way forward.”

NFU president, Minette Batters, said: “AHDB has a vital role to play in the future of UK agriculture. The next few years will be more challenging than ever and we will need all hands on deck to promote our products, seek new markets and support our farmers through any changes coming down the tracks.

“As with any business or organisation, AHDB needs to be able to adapt and respond to whatever challenges come our way. We are navigating through completely unchartered waters, not only due to Brexit but also a global pandemic and climate crisis, and agility is going to be vital in such a fast-changing environment.

“Crucially, evidence and data must drive its work and value for money must shine through in everything it does – this value must then be demonstrated to levy payers.

“As part of the five year strategy, the planned two-pronged approach to drive both farm performance and industry and product advocacy looks like a positive way forward.”

Photograph: NFU president, Minette Batters.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.