Nigel Penlington has been appointed the head of research and development and knowledge exchange for AHDB Pork.

Penlington, Nigel smile

Nigel Penlington, AHDB Pork's new head of research and development and knowledge exchange.

Penlington, who has been with the organisation since 2004, said: “My main aim is to make sure we keep focused on delivering the business plan so the levy-payers and my colleagues come first.

“In the longer term there may be scope for some integration of the different livestock sectors, particularly as far as the environment is concerned, but I am not looking to make any immediate changes.”

Mick Sloyan, director of AHDB Pork added: “Nigel has a wealth of experience and is widely respected in the industry. I’m sure that experience will be invaluable in his new position.”

Penlington takes up his new position with immediate effect. AHDB Pork will now be recruiting to fill his previous position as environment and buildings team manager.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
