Dovecote Park’s request to expand its Yorkshire chilling facilities on green belt land in the village of Stapleton has met the ‘very special circumstances’ required by planning authorities. Its facilities in North Yorkshire and Lincolnshire currently employ over 700 staff.
A planning report into the application by Dovecote Park states that the circumstances outlined by the processor: “Clearly outweigh the harm to the green belt.”
The report states that planning permission should be permitted, but this would be subject to the conditions and referral to the Secretary of State. Agents acting for Dovecote Park told the BBC that the extension is required prior to Christmas: “To respond to the additional volume required for customers.”
The processor supplies retailers and foodservice outlets including Waitrose, Hawksmoor steakhouses, Hello Fresh and Burger King’s Whoppers.
The North Yorkshire Council are to consider the application this week [week commencing 10th July] and Meat Management understands that at the time of writing no objections to the proposal have been received.
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.