Industry bodies in Northern Ireland have urged Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) to back “expert science-based advice” when making decisions on the Executive Climate Change (No.2) Bill.

LMC Chief Executive Ian Stevenson

Ian Stevenson, chief executive of the Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland.

The Bill, tabled for discussion on 1st February, will see MLAs debate and vote on clauses of the proposed climate change legislation.

One of the recommendations proposed is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Northern Ireland by 82% by 2050. The Livestock and Meat Commission (LMC) said that members of the Northern Irish food supply chain regard this target as “highly ambitious, but attainable.”

Ian Stevenson, chief executive of the LMC for Northern Ireland, said the proposal presented a “very challenging target but one that industry can work towards as it should be technically possible to deliver such a reduction without decimating the industry.”

"Remain mindful"

Conall Donnelly, chief executive of the Northern Ireland Meat Exporters Association, said that MLAs must “remain mindful” that the beef, lamb and dairy industries contribute over 50% of the agri-food industry’s annual £5 billion turnover in Northern Ireland. He added: “The sectors also help support a significant percentage of the 113,000 jobs connected to agri-food. When tabling or supporting amendments MLAs should not seek to undermine or contradict the vital contributions made by our sector.”

Chief executive of the Dairy Council for Northern Ireland Mike Johnson stated the important role of livestock farming to local communities and UK and European food supply. He added that those MLAs “who would advocate a contraction of our industry to meet unrealistic greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets in Northern Ireland beyond 82% by 2050 need to take a long hard look at themselves.”

Striking the right balance

Gill Gallagher, chief executive of the Northern Ireland Grain Trade Association, also spoke about the importance of the proposal’s target of an 82% reduction in greenhouse gases. She said: “Anything in excess of this will ultimately result in significant reductions in local livestock numbers and increased imports of food with a higher carbon footprint to fulfil demand.”

In a statement published by the LMC, the industry chiefs have urged MLAs to not “pull the rug from under the industry but work with it through enabling investment, evidence based legislation, research, advice and advocacy. That’s what real political leadership should deliver on Tuesday when this Bill is tabled for consideration.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.