Over the course of London 2012 it's estimated that athletes and visitors will eat more than 100 tonnes of meat, 31 tonnes of poultry items, 4,000 Lincolnshire sausages, 17,000 rashers of bacon and 40,000 slices of ham.Harry Irwin, chicken farmer from Norfolk, is one of the hundreds of Red Tractor farmers supplying food for the Olympics and as part of Team RT, Harry hosted school visits to showcase the quality, care and attention that goes into producing food from farm to the Olympic venue.
Harry said: “Our chickens are raised to world-class standards under the Red Tractor scheme and it’s only fitting that our world class athletes get the best food to fuel them to the finish line. LOCOG’s Food Vision is a real commitment to sustainable sourcing for this summer and for the future, and I’m proud to be part of Team RT which helps to deliver that.”
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.