The Organic Research Centre (ORC) has announced the appointment of Lucy MacLennan as its new CEO.

Lucy MacLennan - new CEO at Organic Research Centre

Lucy MacLennan - new CEO at Organic Research Centre

MacLennan, who has over 25 years’ experience in the fresh produce sector, replaces Stuart Rogers, who stepped in as interim CEO following the departure of Nic Lampkin last year.

While working as a senior consultant in food quality, food safety, and food supply chain integrity and innovation, she is also a non-executive director and chair of the fresh produce board at Red Tractor Assurance.

MacLennan said of her appointment: "I’m thrilled and excited to be appointed CEO at the ORC. The work of the organisation to redesign and deliver better farming systems based on organic and agro-ecological principles offers real value to our society.

“I don’t think there’s ever been a time where emphasis on the development of sustainable agricultural practices and organic production methods has been more important. With public awareness of climate change and the environment at an all-time high, there’s enormous potential to further develop the work of the ORC and extend its potential reach and impact.”

Since attaining a postgraduate diploma in agri-food and sustainable supply chains from the University of Nottingham last year, MacLennan has been awarded a Nuffield Scholarship to investigate ‘audit and assurance’ in the fresh produce sector, including conflicting agendas between food safety requirements and sustainability initiatives.

“I’m a scientist at heart, so the chance to marry my personal interests and business experience in order to lead such a fantastic and well-respected team at the ORC is a real privilege and I’m committed to continue to build on its pioneering work."

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.