Following many years of service to Yandell Media and its titles, Meat Management editor Pam Brook is to leave her full time role with the business at the end of October.


“I have reached a time where I would like to follow up some personal ambitions and wish to introduce a little more flexibility into my life,” said Pam, “but it was not a decision made lightly. I have met many outstanding people, made some good friends and visited places and events and made memories that I am sure will never fade.”

“The good news,” said Yandell Media’s managing director, Graham Yandell, “is that Pam will be retained on a freelance basis as a consulting editor and will contribute articles from time to time and hopefully attend the odd event for us.”

Pam added: “I am proud to have had the opportunity to be in the editor’s chair of the UK’s leading meat magazine and I am confident it will continue to progress under the continuing leadership of my good friend and publisher, Graham Yandell. I look forward to playing a continuing, but much smaller role, in its successes and thank to all contributors, readers and advertisers for your help and support over many happy years.”

Meat Management is currently recruiting to replace Pam and, as an interim measure, Graham Yandell will take up the managing editor's role to oversee the production and content of the magazine.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.