This year’s City Food Lecture panel line-up has been revealed ahead of the event on Thursday 17th February.

CFL 2020

Chairman of City Food Lecture John Giles gave a talk at the 2020 event.

The event has been organised by the seven City of London livery companies: the Worshipful Company of Bakers, Butchers, Cooks, Farmers, Fishmongers, Fruiterers and Poulters. Guests who are unable to physically attend will be able to join remotely via a virtual hub.

The 2022 panel is set to include:

  • Kate Nicholls, CEO for UK Hospitality
  • Richard Clothier, managing director of Wyke Farms
  • Frazer McKevitt, head of retail and consumer insight at Kantar World Panel

The panel will be chaired by Charlotte Smith, who is known for her roles as presenter on BBC1’s Countryfile and on Radio 4’s Farming Today.

Smith said: "I’m delighted and honoured to chair the City Food Lecture for a second year. This year’s lecture promises to be both fascinating and timely and I look forward to chairing the Q&A session and fielding the usual challenging points from our audience."

This year’s keynote speaker is the managing director of Arla Foods, Ash Amirahmadi, who will discuss how the agriculture and food sector can target the issues of food security and sustainability over the next decade.

Amongst the topics expected to be covered by Ash, will be the accessibility, nutrition and affordability which must be considered when providing food to UK and global customers and consumers, alongside the environmental impact of its production. Following his lecture, Ash will join the panel for an interactive question-and-answer session.

Tickets are invitation only, however anyone interested in attending the event can contact Fiona Patrick via

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.