Scotland’s first ever venison black pudding has the potential to be a serious hit, research has shown.
Food scientists from Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh (QMU) have been running trials of the new food product which will be the first commercially produced black pudding made with venison blood in the UK.
They have identified that the venison black pudding was a rich source of iron and vitamin B12. The results of taste panels, which focused on flavour and texture, confirmed that new venison black pudding was a bit hit with the consumer tasters.
Dr Laura Wyness, senior research fellow with Scottish Centre for Food Development and Innovation at QMU, said: “There is currently no venison black pudding available in the UK, so this new food offers the consumer a new and distinctive product from the traditional Scottish recipe."
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.