The new Women In Meat Industry Awards, which has recently been announced by Meat Management magazine, has already received a very positive reaction from across the sector.

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Organiser YPL Exhibitions & Events, which is staging the black tie dinner and ceremony in London on 16th November this year for Meat Management, reports great interest.

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Awards organiser, Emma Cash.

Emma Cash of YPL said: “We already have partners in the pipeline who wish to sponsor categories and the general reaction has quickly surpassed our expectations. Although the dinner is not taking place until November we have received a number of requests for tickets, with some actually booked already. This has been happening only a few days after the launch announcement.”

Editor of Meat Management magazine Emily Ansell Elfer was equally positive: “I am delighted that we are undertaking this initiative. From the moment I

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Meat Management editor, Emily Ansell Elfer.

stepped into the editor’s chair at Meat Management it was clear to me how many women are working across the sector, many of whom hold senior roles and are major industry influences. However, there is still a misconception among some people that meat is a ‘man’s trade’! These awards break new ground. It’s right that the immense contribution made to our industry by women is properly recognised and that more females feel encouraged to consider a career in meat.”

The new Awards has also linked up with Ladies in Pigs (LIPs), an organisation that has an outstanding pedigree when it comes to supporting the pigmeat sector and the wider meat and farming industry. LIPs will be a sponsor of the initiative and is the first trade body to come on board in support.

Chairperson of LIPs Sue Woodall said: “This is such a great idea and we are happy to support it. We already work with Meat

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Chairperson of LIPs, Sue Woodall.

Management magazine in relation to the judging process for the UK Sausage Week competition and therefore becoming a partner for the Women In Meat Industry Awards is a natural fit for us.”

Claire Holland, manager of the Q Guild, also reacted positively to the announcement and considers the Women In Meat Industry

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Q Guild manager, Claire Holland.

Awards as timely recognition to further highlight the role women are increasingly taking up across the meat industry: “It could be said that this news is rather overdue and I am very pleased that there will be an Awards scheme to reward and recognise excellence. Traditionally the meat trade was a male dominated business, but that has fundamentally changed in more recent years and still continues to change in many sectors including retail. It’s a very positive development.”

The categories for the Women In Meat Industry Awards are:

• Meat Businesswoman of the Year Award• Meat Businesswoman Award – Foodservice• Meat Businesswoman Award – Retailing• Meat Businesswoman Award – Manufacturing• Meat Businesswoman Award – Craft Butchery• Meat Businesswoman Award – Trade Body• Meat Businesswoman Award – Wholesaling

For details of booking tickets and tables at the Awards ceremony and black tie dinner email Emma Cash: Companies and organisations interested in category partnerships should email Michelle Ingerfield: Voting and nominations will commence in June and the dinner is scheduled for 16th November 2018.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.