Rob Nugent and Liz Sutton have been elected as the Provision Trade Federation’s (PTF) new chairman and vice-chairman respectively.

[gallery type="slideshow" ids="|New PTF chairman, Rob Nugent.,|Liz Sutton, new vice-chairman of the PTF."]

The announcement was made at the PTF’s annual general meeting, held at Ironmonger’s Hall in London. Rob Nugent, operations director at Direct Table Foods Ltd and a member of the PTF council since 2012 replaces Andy Smith as the new chairman.

Nugent said: “I am delighted to have been elected as the new chair of PTF. Despite the tough global market and the challenging trading conditions in the domestic market this an exciting time for the organisation. My priorities will be to work with the PTF team to grow the organisation, enhance its profile with our important stakeholders and improve the service we deliver for members.

The new PTF vice-chairman Sutton, founder and director of Delamere Dairy added: “I am thrilled to have been elected as PTF’s vice–chair and the appointment is made all the more special as the first goat dairy representative to hold senior office within the Federation. I am looking forward to working with Rob, PTF Council colleagues and our members to take forward the organisation’s important work, representing the interests of the wide variety of businesses in PTF membership.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.