The Scottish Association of Meat Wholesalers (SAMW) has appointed Martin Morgan, former head of livestock policy for the Scottish Government, as its new executive manager, replacing Ian Anderson, who is retiring after ten years in the post.

SAMWs new executive manager Martin Morgan left with SAMW president Frank Clark

SAMW's new executive manager Martin Morgan (left) with SAMW president Frank Clark.

Having joined the Scottish Office in 1977, Morgan came to SAMW with extensive experience of red meat issues, including working on meat hygiene legislation in 1992, the BSE crisis from 1996 onwards and being part of the team involved in handling the UK's foot and mouth outbreaks in 2001 and 2007.

"It was during that demanding period for the industry that I worked with Ian in the Scottish Government," said Morgan.

“I've had a strong attachment to the red meat industry for more than 25 years and am delighted to be joining SAMW with the challenge of carrying on the good work that Ian has done."

Morgan will be taking up his new post on 1st November.

SAMW president, Frank Clark, added: "Ian has been extremely important to the association throughout his time as our executive manager, helping us negotiate many issues and developments over the last decade.

"In welcoming Martin, we believe we have another excellent executive manager who understands the red meat industry in Scotland with all its demands and also its great potential. With Brexit on the horizon, I am sure Martin will have a key role to play in helping our members address the challenges and opportunities which lie ahead."

Morgan and Anderson will work together for an initial period of two months after which Ian will remain with the association on a consultancy basis until the conclusion of SAMW's annual conference in April, 2018.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.